[:es]Brasil se prepara para albergar la tercera edición de los Beach Games universitarios internacionales del 5 al 10 de diciembre. Estudiantes atletas de Chile, Paraguay, Argentina, Brasil, Uruguay y República Dominicana competirán en vóley, handball, tenis y fútbol de playa.
Por tercer año consecutivo, FISU América ha respaldado la competición. “Los Beach Games internacionales es un evento de la CBDU (Confederación Brasileña de Deporte Universitario) que tiene el sello de FISU América. Esta es una competencia pionera que promueve el desarrollo de los deportes de playa en el ámbito universitario. Algunos países de América ya mantienen torneos nacionales clasificatorios en función de este evento”, dijo el presidente de FISU América, Alim Maluf Neto.
El venidero evento en Manaos tiene dos exitosas ediciones previas como lo fueron en Arcaju, capital de Sergipe, donde fue el inaugural, y en Maceió, capital de Alagoas, en 2016.
Como desde la primera edición, el presidente de CBDU, Luciano Cabral, remarcó la importancia del evento para la escena del deporte universitario mundial. “Estamos escribiendo un nuevo capítulo en la historia del deporte universitario con los Beach Games universitarios internacionales, la única competencia de playa que alguna vez tuvo lugar para deportistas universitarios”, dijo el presidente de CBDU, quien agregó: “Ahora tenemos la oportunidad de consolidar esto como un gran evento mundial, creado, desarrollado e inicialmente organizado en Brasil”.[:en]Brazil prepares to host the third edition of the International University Beach Games from the 5-10 December. Student athletes from Chile, Paraguay, Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and the Dominican Republic will compete in beach volleyball, beach handball and beach soccer.
For the third year in a row, FISU America has endorsed the competition. “The Beach Games International is a CBDU event that has the seal of FISU America. This is a pioneering competition that promotes the development of beach sports in the university environment. Some countries in the Americas, because of this event, already hold their national qualifying matches for the international event” Continental President Alim Maluf Neto said.
The upcoming event in Manaus follows two successful previous editions as Aracaju, capital of Sergipe, hosted the inaugural event and Maceió, capital of Alagoas, hosted in 2016.
At the first edition, CBDU President Luciano Cabral noted the event’s importance to the world university sports scene. “We are now writing a new chapter in the history of university sports with the International University Beach Games, the only beach competition ever held for university students,” the CBDU President said. “Now we have the opportunity to consolidate this as a great worldwide sporting event, created, developed and initially organized in Brazil.”
The 3rd International University Beach Games comes as a collaborative work between the Brazilian University Sports Confederation (CBDU), FISU America and the Amazonian University Sports Federation (FAUD), along with official endorsement from FISU.
This year’s setting of the event on beaches away from the ocean shows the possibility and versatility of the beach games concept.
“We believe that, because it is in Manaus, on a river beach, this arouses the curiosity of the countries to know the region,” Mr. Cabral said. “The whole world has a great interest in the Amazon, and this was a great positive factor to also attract the attention of the participants.”[:]